News tagged with 'Position paper'

Bloc ‘Lagging Behind’ Rest Of World In Key Areas Of Nuclear Research

European Nuclear Society / Bloc ‘Lagging Behind’ Rest Of World In Key Areas Of Nuclear Research

Position paper says substantial efforts needed if reactors are to fulfil vital role
Industry Group Calls For Improved Approach To SMR Deployment In Europe

Eurelectric / Industry Group Calls For Improved Approach To SMR Deployment In Europe

More harmonisation needed on regulation and supply chains, says report
Nuclear Industry Group Puts Forward Proposals For Electricity Market Reforms

Europe / Nuclear Industry Group Puts Forward Proposals For Electricity Market Reforms

Bloc should support technologies which are available 24/7 and have long lifespan
Nuclear Industry Group Calls For Roadmap Towards First SMR Deployment

Europe / Nuclear Industry Group Calls For Roadmap Towards First SMR Deployment

nucleareurope wants to see design and licensing standardisation

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