News tagged with 'Philippines'

Nations Keen On Nuclear, But Facing ‘Four Main Challenges’

Asean Energy Forum / Nations Keen On Nuclear, But Facing ‘Four Main Challenges’

Region considering about 5.2 GW of nuclear power capacity by 2050
 Nuclear Energy Committee Established As Nation Develops Reactor Programme

Philippines / Nuclear Energy Committee Established As Nation Develops Reactor Programme

New leadership has set ambitious target for 2,400 MW nuclear capacity
Power Utility Identifies Three Possible Sites For Nuclear Plant

Philippines / Power Utility Identifies Three Possible Sites For Nuclear Plant

Move follows recent agreement with US company on micro-reactor technology
Ultra Safe Agreement Paves Way For Microreactor Deployment

Philippines / Ultra Safe Agreement Paves Way For Microreactor Deployment

Deal comes as Washington and Manila sign 123 Agreement on nuclear technology

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