
Russia Submits EIA For Turkey’s Akkuyu Nuclear Plant

By David Dalton
10 July 2013

10 Jul (NucNet): The Russian project company Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant JSC (Akkuyu NPP JSC) has submitted an environmental impact assessment (EIA) report on the planned Akkuyu nuclear plant project to Turkey’s ministry of environment and city planning.

The company said the report consists of 3,000 pages and covers topics such as the potential socioeconomic impact of the plant and justification of selection of the site, in the province of Mersin on the Mediterranean coast.

Russia’s state-owned nuclear corporation Rosatom said the report will be studied by a special commission consisting of representatives of various governmental agencies and institutions, universities and other organisations. The commission will send its results to the ministry, which will make a final decision on the report.

An agreement to build the Akkuyu plant was signed between the governments of Russia and Turkey in May 2010. Rosatom said the plan is to build four 1,200-megawatt Generation III+ NPP-2006 pressurised water reactor units. The first unit should be in commercial operation in 2020, Rosatom said.

Rosatom said Akkuyu will be the first nuclear plant project implemented on BOO (build-own-operate) principles, with Russia designing, constructing, maintaining, operating and decommissioning the plant.

The Turkish government has also signed an agreement to give exclusive negotiating rights to the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries-GDF Suez consortium to build the country’s second nuclear plant in the Black Sea province of Sinop.

More recently, Turkey and Japan signed an agreement that could lead to the construction of Turkey’s second nuclear power plant with four Atmea1 reactor units, a design developed by Areva-Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) joint venture Atmea.

Akkuyu NPP JSC was registered in Turkey on 13 December 2011. Its major shareholder, with 92.85 percent, is nuclear operator Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC.

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