Plant Operation

US / NRC To Review Licence Renewal Application For Three-Unit Oconee Station

By Kamen Kraev
23 June 2021

NRC To Review Licence Renewal Application For Three-Unit Oconee Station
The Oconee nuclear power station in South Carolina.
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has accepted for review an application from Duke Energy Carolinas to renew for another 20 years the operating licences of Units 1, 2, and 3 at the three-unit Oconee nuclear power station near Seneca, South Carolina.

Duke Energy submitted on 7 June 2021 its application to renew the operating licences for a second time.

The three pressurised water reactor units have been in commercial operation at Oconee since the mid-1970s. All three units received initial licence extensions in May 2000.

According to the NRC, Oconee-1, -2, and -3 are at present licensed to operate until February 2033, October 2033, and July 2034.

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