News tagged with 'Iter'

New Schedule For ‘Robust’ Startup Will Allow Project To Make Up For Delays

Iter / New Schedule For ‘Robust’ Startup Will Allow Project To Make Up For Delays

Head of €20 billion nuclear fusion programme says operations will now begin with ‘a more complete machine’
New Schedule For Delayed Fusion Project Sees Initial Operation In 2035

Iter / New Schedule For Delayed Fusion Project Sees Initial Operation In 2035

Iter Council says progress has been made on repairs to key components
Japan And Europe Announce Operation Of JT-60SA Reactor

Nuclear Fusion / Japan And Europe Announce Operation Of JT-60SA Reactor

Plant north of Tokyo aims to mimic the process that powers the Sun
World’s Biggest Nuclear Fusion Project Wants To Rehire Retired Engineers

Iter / World’s Biggest Nuclear Fusion Project Wants To Rehire Retired Engineers

Knowledge ‘available somewhere’, but has not been consolidated

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