News tagged with 'Idaho National Laboratory'

Westinghouse Ships 25 Experimental Fuel Rods To Idaho Laboratory For Testing

US / Westinghouse Ships 25 Experimental Fuel Rods To Idaho Laboratory For Testing

New technology could result in significant cost savings for reactor operators
DOE Awards Seven Lab Access Vouchers Under GAIN Programme

US / DOE Awards Seven Lab Access Vouchers Under GAIN Programme

Initiative supports advanced nuclear developers
US Needs VTR To Head Off Competition From Russia And China

Advanced Reactors / US Needs VTR To Head Off Competition From Russia And China

Facility vital for research into next generation of nuclear plants, says journal
DOE Confirms Plans To Go Ahead With Versatile Test Reactor In Idaho

US / DOE Confirms Plans To Go Ahead With Versatile Test Reactor In Idaho

Facility a ‘critical tool’ for developing technologies

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