News tagged with 'EBRD'

Gov’t Lifts Uranium Ban, Considers Deployment Of Russia-Supplied Reactor

Kyrgyzstan / Gov’t Lifts Uranium Ban, Considers Deployment Of Russia-Supplied Reactor

Bishkek says it is in serious need of ‘alternative sources of revenue’
Work Begins At Two Sites On Tackling Soviet Uranium Mining Legacy

Uzbekistan / Work Begins At Two Sites On Tackling Soviet Uranium Mining Legacy

Project bolstered by €9m grant from European account
EBRD Announces Dismantling Landmark At Soviet-Era Bohunice Reactors

Slovakia / EBRD Announces Dismantling Landmark At Soviet-Era Bohunice Reactors

Work completed ‘on schedule and within budget’
EBRD Says Russian Occupation Has Thrown Decades Of International Cooperation Into Uncertainty

Chernobyl / EBRD Says Russian Occupation Has Thrown Decades Of International Cooperation ...

IAEA joins bank in appeal for donors, with damage left by soldiers put at €100m to repair

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