New Build

Russia / Reactor Pressure Vessel Delivered For Kursk 2-1 Nuclear Power Plant

By Kamen Kraev
22 September 2021

Reactor Pressure Vessel  Delivered For Kursk 2-1 Nuclear Power Plant
The RPV weighs 340 tonnes and is 12 metres high. Courtesy Rosatom.

The reactor pressure vessel has been delivered for the Kursk 2-1 nuclear plant under construction in western Russia, state equipment manufacturer Atomenergomash said.

In a nuclear power plant, the RPV is one of the largest reactor components, a vessel containing the nuclear reactor coolant, core shroud, and the reactor core and fuel.

The two new units under construction at the site of the existing Kursk nuclear power station will be the first of the VVER-TOI pressurised water reactor type. Construction of Kursk 2-1 began in April 2018 and of Kursk 2-2 in April 2019.

This is the second RPV produced for a VVER-TOI design, after the first of its kind was delivered for the Kursk 2-1 plant in April 2021.

Atomenergomash said the RPV, which weighs 340 tonnes and is 12 metres high, was made of nickel-less steel whose properties under radiation and at high temperatures remain unchanged.

The company said the RPV required four welds to assemble. This compares to the six welds needed for a VVER-1200 RPV. It also reduces radiation impact on welds leading to improved performance and extended service life.

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