Plant Operation

Pakistan’s Chasnupp-3 Begins Commercial Operation

By David Dalton
28 December 2016

28 Dec (NucNet): Unit 3 of the Chasnupp nuclear power station, also known as Chashma, officially began commercial operation today, according to reports in Pakistan. The 315-MW unit was inaugurated in a ceremony by prime minister Nawaz Sharif. Chasnupp-3, about 200km southwest of the capital Islamabad in Punjab province, was connected to the grid on 15 October 2016 and its power level has since been gradually increased to 100%. Chasnupp-3 is a Chinese-designed CNP-300 pressurised water reactor, construction of which began in May 2011. The Chasnupp nuclear station now has three commercially operational CNP-300s. Chasnupp-1 began commercial operation in September 2000 and Chasnupp-2 in May 2011. According to data by the International Atomic Energy Agency, Pakistan began construction of a fourth CNP-300 unit, Chasnupp-4, in December 2011. Mr Sharif said today that he expected this unit to be commissioned by April 2017. Pakistan has four commercially operational nuclear units and three under construction. Nuclear supplies about 4.4% of the country’s electricity needs, according to IAEA data.

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