New Build

China / Outer Containment Dome Installed At Taipingling-1 Nuclear Plant

By Kamen Kraev
4 June 2024

Two Hualong One units are being built at site in south of country

Outer Containment Dome Installed At Taipingling-1 Nuclear Plant
China is building two Hualong One units at Taipingling in the south of the country.

Construction has been completed of the outer concrete dome for China’s Taipingling-1 nuclear power unit in the southern province of Guangdong, according to the China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA).

The dome forms part of the reactor’s containment building, which consists of an inner steel shell and an outer concrete shell. The containment is designed to protect the reactor from external effects and withstand high external and internal pressures and protect against radiation release.

The CNEA said final concrete was poured for the dome of the 1,100-MW Hualong One unit on 30 May 2024.

The association said construction is progressing steadily with Taipingling-1 at a critical stage in preparation for hot functional testing.

The Hualong One, or HPR1000, is an indigenous three-loop pressurised water reactor.

China is building two Hualong One units at Taipingling. Construction of Taipingling-1 began in December 2019 and of Taipingling-2 in October 2020.

According to the CNEA, the two units are expected to be operational in 2025. China is planning to build another four units at the site.

China has seven other Hualong One units under construction domestically at three sites – three at Zhangzhou and two each at Changjiang, and Sanaocun (also known as Zhejiang Sanao and San’ao).

Last week it was announced that the Fangchenggang-4 nuclear power plant in Guangxi, also of the Hualong One design, began commercial operation – bringing the number of commercial reactors in the country to 56.

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