Plant Operation

Russia / Kola-2 Waits For Regulatory Approval After Nine-Month Upgrade Programme

By David Dalton
12 November 2019

Rosatom is planning to operate the unit until 2034
Kola-2 Waits For Regulatory Approval After Nine-Month Upgrade Programme
The Kola nuclear power station in Russia. Photo courtesy Rosatom.
The Kola-2 nuclear plant in northern Russia was scheduled to be taken offline today for authorisation from the regulator to complete a large-scale modernisation programme to extend its operational lifetime by 15 years to 2034, Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom said.On 26 October the pressurised water reactor unit was returned to service after nine months of upgrade work which included the installation of new safety systems, control systems and reactor protection systems. The plant has now been tested at various power levels and taken offline once again while the regulator, Rostekhnadzor, approves the upgrades and formally grants permission for the plant to continue operation.

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