“The INSC Executive Board hopes that the staff of nuclear facilities and their families will keep safe,” a statement said.
“The INSC Executive Board is convinced they are doing their utmost to maintain the safety of the plants.
Knowing the importance of this for the future of nuclear energy worldwide, the INSC Executive board is thankful to the staff for their dedication and professionalism, even more in very difficult conditions.”
The INSC is a global forum for nuclear societies. It was formally established in 1990 by 11 founding members, including: the American Nuclear Society (ANS); the Argentinian Association of Nuclear Technology; the Atomic Energy Society of Japan; the Australian Nuclear Association; the Canadian Nuclear Society; the Chinese Nuclear Society; the European Nuclear Society, the Korean Nuclear Society; the Latin American Section of ANS; the Mexican Nuclear Society; and the Nuclear Energy Society of Taiwan.
The INSC is currently estimated to represent more than 120,000 nuclear professionals worldwide.